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Enciclopedia de intercambiadores de calor de microcanales

¿Qué es un sistema de dióxido de carbono supercrítico?

The critical point of carbon dioxide is 7.38MPa at 31°C, and the carbon dioxide at this time is in a state of neither gas nor liquid. Supercritical carbon dioxide has special properties: low viscosity, high density, strong swelling and diffusion capacity for polymers, safe, non-flammable and explosive, non-toxic and non-corrosive. The special properties of supercritical …

¿Qué es un sistema de dióxido de carbono supercrítico? Leer más »

Aplicación de la Tecnología de Microcanales en el Campo Aeroespacial

With the development of modern aerospace power systems towards high thrust ratio and high flight Mach number, the thermal load on the engine increases sharply. In order to guarantee the reliability and longevity of the engine, the development of rapid active cooling technology is crucial. The microchannel heat exchanger is considered to be an ideal …

Aplicación de la Tecnología de Microcanales en el Campo Aeroespacial Leer más »

Energía de hidrógeno y tecnología de celdas de combustible

Hydrogen:Hydrogen is an energy carrier, not an energy source, and can transport or store large amounts of energy. Hydrogen can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity, generate electricity or provide heat. Hydrogen is a clean secondary energy carrier, which can be easily converted into electricity and heat with high conversion efficiency and has …

Energía de hidrógeno y tecnología de celdas de combustible Leer más »

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de los microrreactores?

(Five advantages of microreactor due to its characteristics:) A small amount of reagents reduces the costWhen the microreactor is used for the inspection of material properties or the study of chemical processes, very few reagents can be realized. This significantly reduces the cost, and at the same time, more accurate physical and chemical properties can …

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de los microrreactores? Leer más »

¿Qué es la tecnología microquímica?

Micro-chemical technology usually includes systems such as micro-heat exchange, micro-reaction, micro-separation and micro-analysis, of which the first two are more important. Micro-chemical technology starts from the source of chemical preparation process and equipment, and takes advantage of the strong improvement in mixing (mass transfer) and heat transfer of micro-channel reactors, as well as the advantages …

¿Qué es la tecnología microquímica? Leer más »

Status Quo de la industria de microrreactores en el país y en el extranjero

In the early 1990s, the research on micro-chemical technology started abroad. The United States, Germany, Britain, France, Japan and other developed countries have successively carried out research on microchemical engineering and technology. According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 50 suppliers of micro-chemical technology and equipment in the world, of which Europe accounts …

Status Quo de la industria de microrreactores en el país y en el extranjero Leer más »

La importancia de los intercambiadores de calor para mejorar efectivamente la eficiencia de la producción

In today’s modern industry, electrical thermal management is much more than that. In addition to keeping electrical enclosures cool, thermal management is critical to many other important processes. As thermal management plays an increasingly important role, it becomes even more important for companies to find and implement more simplified solutions to this problem. In many …

La importancia de los intercambiadores de calor para mejorar efectivamente la eficiencia de la producción Leer más »

¿Dirección aplicable del proceso de microrreacción?

The core of microchemical technology is the microchannel reactor. Compared with traditional chemical processes, the most important thing in micro-chemical technology is to research and develop reactors and rapid reaction process conditions suitable for micro-reaction systems. Applicable direction of micro-reaction process: (research shows that if a reaction process has the following characteristics, then micro-reactor technology …

¿Dirección aplicable del proceso de microrreacción? Leer más »

La aplicación de PCHE en el sistema de generación de energía de nueva generación

PCHE is suitable for power generation cycle system under high temperature and high pressure For supercritical CO2 power generation systems: The heat exchange of the current supercritical carbon dioxide test loop mostly uses a printed circuit board heat exchanger (PCHE), which is suitable for high working temperature and high working pressure, and has good expansion …

La aplicación de PCHE en el sistema de generación de energía de nueva generación Leer más »

¿Cuáles son las limitaciones actuales de los reactores de microcanales?

A microreactor is a three-dimensional structural element that can be used to carry out chemical reactions and is manufactured in a solid matrix by means of special microfabrication techniques. Microreactors typically contain small channel dimensions (less than 500 µm equivalent diameter) and channel diversity in which fluids flow and in which desired reactions are required …

¿Cuáles son las limitaciones actuales de los reactores de microcanales? Leer más »

¿Por qué PCHE es la primera opción en el campo del GNL?

Offshore natural gas development has become an important development direction in the world energy field. The basic unit for offshore natural gas development is the floating liquefied natural gas production, storage and offloading unit (FLNG). It is widely used in the development of offshore natural gas due to its advantages of good mobility and reusability. …

¿Por qué PCHE es la primera opción en el campo del GNL? Leer más »

Cómo se aplica PCHE a la estación de servicio de hidrógeno

The hydrogen precooler developed by Shenshi can be used in hydrogen refueling stations. Its advantages of explosion-proof, anti-freezing and low temperature are the perfect solutions to improve the reliability and advancement of hydrogen refueling stations in the future. Why use a hydrogen cooler:After the high-pressure hydrogen is filled into the hydrogen cylinder, the volume expansion …

Cómo se aplica PCHE a la estación de servicio de hidrógeno Leer más »