



Offshore natural gas development has become an important development direction in the world energy field. The basic unit for offshore natural gas development is the floating liquefied natural gas production, storage and offloading unit (FLNG). It is widely used in the development of offshore natural gas due to its advantages of good mobility and reusability. …

PCHE为何成为LNG领域的首选 查看全文 »


The hydrogen precooler developed by Shenshi can be used in hydrogen refueling stations. Its advantages of explosion-proof, anti-freezing and low temperature are the perfect solutions to improve the reliability and advancement of hydrogen refueling stations in the future. Why use a hydrogen cooler:After the high-pressure hydrogen is filled into the hydrogen cylinder, the volume expansion …

PCHE如何应用于加氢站 查看全文 »


Process flow:The raw material hydrogen enters the cold box, is pre-cooled by the primary heat exchanger HX-1 pre-cooled by cold nitrogen, and then enters the secondary heat exchanger HX-2 pre-cooled by liquid nitrogen for cooling, and then enters the primary positive heat exchanger soaked in liquid nitrogen. Parahydrogen converter for constant temperature conversion. The converted …

什么是氢液化系统? 查看全文 »